In 1995, the Society felt that it would be fitting if it acquired a ceremonial sword for use in processions. Accordingly, it asked the then Registrar, Sir Robert Balchin, to design this. Wilkinson Sword Ltd of London wrought the sword which was named by the Council ‘Chivalry'. On its blade were depicted the Coats of Arms of all the knights of the Council, as the sword was purchased by subscription of Council members.
The ceremonial sword was carried for the first time at the Annual Service in 1996. It was there consecrated by the Bishop of London and presented to HM The Queen who handed it in to the safekeeping of the Imperial Society.
The sword has a close resemblance to that in the Society's coat of arms. Its scabbard is covered with blue velvet and decorated with a Knight Bachelor's badge, (left to the Society by the widow of a knight). A device on the scabbard ensures that Chivalry can be carried half-drawn, symbolising the readiness of Knights Bachelor to defend their Sovereign.